viernes, 24 de enero de 2014

Starting with the project of my wine shop, currently at the stage of Planning

with this new 2014 year, I have in mind a long time ago a project, wich have resurfaced strongly, I was always wine amateur but need funds so, this year I decided to make it happen 

Phase I - Planning
During my youth I was always someone restless, and curious, I was born in Tacna, Peru where always good wine is part of the table in each family, now my dream is to make a wine shop here in Arequipa - Peru, I want to do something different but want to do well, so I have concluded is that the first thing I do is a work plan to make this dream come true, a schedule that allows me to divide everything into specific tasks that culminate in all the data needed to create this company

is so now I turn to that, an image very soon compratire fully calibrated on schedule I hope everything goes well

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